Congratulations to the RSD Athletic Director, Ben Goodman, who was voted by his peers as the Arkansas High School Coaches Association (AHSCA) Outstanding Boys Track Coach! #AchievingExcellenceTogether #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
goodman award
RSD Administration Retreat Day One: District Administrators are coming together this week to participate in team building activities and leadership training! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
administration training
RSD is excited to announce the selection of Mr. David Farr as the new Russellville Middle School Principal! Congratulations Mr. Farr! Read more here: #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
rms new principal
The Arkansas Activities Association has designated the dates below as Athletic Dead Weeks. There will be no athletic practices June 25th - July 8th. #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RSD athletic dead weeks
RHS Quiz Bowl competed in the National Academic Championships in New Orleans over Memorial Day weekend. The team scored over 1700 points to rank Cyclone Quiz Bowl Number 1 in their region and one of the top 10 teams in the nation! On June 11th, they will head to the national playoffs to compete for a national title! Team members: Hayden Daniel, Claryn Nupp, Sarah Shoptaw, Greg Simpson, Zion McArthur, Raynee Bacorn, Alli Hernandez, Shiann Sinor, Vicente Merino-Gonzalez, Avery Feemster, Gino Mascuilli, Logan Greggs, Jafet Alcocer-Benites, Emj Hubbard, Noah Wooten, and Veeren Donda. Coaches: Andrew Taylor, Becki Quoss and Steven Quoss. Gooo Cyclones!!! #AchievingExcellenceTogether #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RHS quizbowl
Sign up today for the ESL Passport Immersion camp! Contact the ESL Office at 479. 219. 5346 for more information. #EducateEquipEmpower #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
passport immersion
Did you know RSD has an app? Stay up to date over the summer with the latest student stories, events, news, and back-to-school updates. Just search Russellville School District in the app store! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RSD app
RSD is excited to announce the hiring of Coach Greg Chenault as the new Head Coach for the RHS Boys' Basketball team. Welcome to the RSD Family, Coach Chenault! Read more here: #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
new basketball coach
Summer Meal Distributions will begin on June 4th, 2023, and carry on throughout the summer. Pick-up will be at the Russellville Junior High School on Sundays: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. and Mondays: 6:30 - 8:00 a.m. All kids 18 and under are welcome. Breakfast & Lunch is available. Read more here: For more information, contact the RSD Child Nutrition Office at 479-498-8836. #EducateEquipEmpower #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
English summer meals information
Spanish summer meals information
Happy Memorial Day! Thank you to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Memorial Day
RSD staff, students, and families, thank you for an amazing school year! Have a great summer break! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
have a great summer!
The 2022-2023 Crawford Elementary House Champion is .... Altruismo! The Altruismo House earned the most House points all year for their good behavior in and outside of the classroom. Great job on a successful school year! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
Crawford Elementary house champion
320 total graduates, $5,416,148 in accepted scholarships, and 123 CTE Completers with industry-recognized credentials. Class of 2023, you have bright futures ahead of you! Good luck to all of you on your next adventure! #OneRSD #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Class of 2023 data points
Class of 2023 data points
Class of 2023 data points
Class of 2023 data points
Class of 2023 data points
Class of 2023 data points
Class of 2023 data points
Interested in RCVA? Learn more here:
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
The RJHS Affirmation Chain for staff and students is now all the way around the building! Great job, Whirlwinds! #AchievingExcellenceTogether #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RJHS affirmation chain
RSD has been named a Rising Star District by Capturing Kids’ Hearts (CKH) in recognition of the District’s efforts and practices in relationship building with students and staff alike! Read more here: Congratulations to all of RSD for the great work in achieving this honor! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
rising star district
7 schools in the Russellville School District have been named Rising Star Schools through Capturing Kids’ Hearts which recognizes their efforts in creating a positive environment at the building level. Congratulations to these schools and thank you for all you do! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
rising star schools
It was a great time celebrating retirees at the RSD Retiree Reception! Thank you to all who came! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
rsd retirees reception
rsd retirees reception
rsd retirees reception
rsd retirees reception
rsd retirees reception
Last week, RSD hosted the annual RSD End of the Year Celebration where all retirees, Teachers of the Year, and RSD STORM Award recipients were recognized. Staff members were also recognized for years of service. Read more here: Congratulations to all of the award recipients! Thank you for all you do! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
2023 End of the Year Celebration
Next up, Ceremony #2! #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
ceremony 2
ceremony 2
ceremony 2
ceremony 2
ceremony 2
ceremony 2