Class of 2023, Ceremony #1, here we go! #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
ceremony 1
ceremony 1
ceremony 1
PSA: At dark tonight, there will be a firework show at Cyclone Stadium to celebrate the Class of 2023 at the Senior Sunset send off.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
rsd firework show
RHS Cyclones are the 2023 5A Boys Soccer State Champions!!! Shoutout to Jett Bull for being named the Championship MVP! Congratulations Cyclones! #CycloneNation
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
cyclones win
cyclones win
RHS Graduation will be held Saturday, May 20th, 2023 at Cyclone Arena. Last names K-Z at 1:00 p.m. and last names A-J at 5:00 p.m. The RHS Graduation will be livestreamed on the Cyclone Booth Youtube Channel which can be found at this link Class of 2023, see you there! #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RHS graduation live stream information
It's National Speech Pathologist Day!! Thank you for all you do! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
National Speech Pathologist Day!!
Student Medications: All medication including daily medication, over the counter medication, inhalers, EpiPens, and seizure medication needs to be picked up by Friday, May 26th. By law school nurses are not allowed to keep medicine over the summer. All medications will be discarded on the last day of school if not picked up.
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
student medications
It's a Pajama Party! Sequoyah Kindergartners did a great job with their performance today! There's definitely some rising stars at Sequoyah Elementary. #EducateEquipEmpower #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
Sequoyah elementary kindergarten program
The class of 2023 walked through their elementary schools today for the last time! #OnceaCycloneAlwaysaCyclone #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
Class of 2023 elementary school walk throughs
RSD Families, Students attending a public school in Arkansas who are eligible for free or reduced-priced school meals by May 31, 2023 are eligible to receive the Summer 2023 P-EBT benefit. The Summer 2023 P-EBT benefit will be a one-time payment of $120.00. If not previously completed, complete a Free/Reduced Meal Application and turn it in to their child's school before May 31, 2023. You may find the application at this link:
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Summer 2023 P-EBT
Yesterday, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders visited RSD to learn about the District’s current initiatives and outlook for future plans. Governor Sanders toured Oakland Heights Elementary and hosted a Town Hall at The Center for the Arts Black Box Theatre. Also in attendance was Arkansas Secretary of Education, Jacob Oliva, and Senator Breanne Davis. Read more here: Thank you, Governor Sanders, for visiting Russellville! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
Governor Sanders tour
RSD is pleased to announce Mrs. Holly King as the incoming Sequoyah Elementary Principal. Mrs. Holly King comes to RSD from Conway Public Schools! When it comes to education, Mrs. King has a great commitment to strong instructional leadership and accountability to ensure teachers are supported and students are successful! Read more here: Welcome to the RSD Family, Mrs. King! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
holly king, Sequoyah elementary principal
Reminder: This Thursday is the RSD Retiree Celebration! The retiree recognition event will be at The Center for the Arts on May 18th, 2023 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
 You’re invited! The Russellville School District is hosting a retiree recognition event at The Center for the Arts on May 18th, 2023 from 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.
Ready, Set, Go The 4th Grade District Track meet was a blast! #AchievingExcellenceTogether #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
4th grade track meet
4th grade track meet
4th grade track meet
4th grade track meet
4th grade track meet
4th grade track meet
4th grade track meet
Congratulations to Dwight Elementary on receiving the Highly Effective Schools Accreditation! #OneRSD #AchievingExcellenceTogether
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
highly effective schools celebration at Dwight elementary
Congratulations to Mrs. Melinda Swift from Russellville Middle School who was recognized by the Arkansas Department of Secondary Education for her exemplary Value Added Growth Scores! #AchievingExcellenceTogether
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
dese award
This week, RHS hosted the annual Celebration of Excellence to recognize the Class of 2023. The total for community scholarships was $114,850.00, the highest total since 2020! Congratulations to these students and thank you to the amazing community members for supporting RSD students! Read more here: #AchievingExcellenceTogether #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
Celebration of Excellence
Celebration of Excellence
Celebration of Excellence
Celebration of Excellence
Celebration of Excellence
Celebration of Excellence
Teacher Appreciation Week has been amazing! Thank you to all who have provided awesome treats for our wonderful teachers! #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
teacher appreciation week
RSD is excited to announce the hiring of Coach LaShanta Johnson as the new Head Coach of the Lady Cyclones Basketball team. Welcome to the Cyclone Family, Coach Johnson! Read more here: #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
RSD Hires New Head Basketball Coach
It's National School Nurse Day! Thank you to all of the school nurses who serve in RSD! #EducateEquipEmpower #OneRSD
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
national school nurse day
On Monday, RHS hosted an Armed Forces Luncheon where 15 graduating seniors were honored for choosing the military as their primary or supplementary career path. Congratulations to these students! Read more here:
almost 2 years ago, Russellville School District
military signing day
military signing day