❓Did you know? Cyclone Stadium is now fully ADA Compliant! 🎉 We are so thankful our stadium is now fully accessible for all attendees! #OneRSD ❤️🌪️🖤
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Cyclone stadium ADA compliant
📣All Open Houses for RSD Schools are tonight! Times are as follows: RSD Preschool & Elementarys (K-5): 4:30-6:00 p.m. Secondary (6-12): 5:30 -7:00 p.m. Have questions? Contact your child's school for more information. ➡️All Back to School Information, including the open house and orientation schedules, can be found at https://www.rsdk12.net/page/back-to-school #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Open house information
Volleyball Tri-Match Benefit Game ❤️🌪️🖤 8/17 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Cyclone Arena $5 entry fee for all attendees #LetsGoCyclones
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Volley ball tri match game
Annual RSD School Board Retreat ❤️🌪️🖤 RSD School Board members attended the annual school board retreat where they completed team building activities, reviewed strategic planning goals, and geared up for the upcoming school year! Thank you to Van Horn Construction for sponsoring the School Board Retreat! 🎉 #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
School Board retreat
RHS Football Benefit Game ❤️🌪️🖤 Cyclones vs Cabot 8/15 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Cyclone Stadium $5 entry fee for all attendees #LetsGoCyclones
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
RHS benefit game
New to using RSD Transportation? 🚍 📢 If your student is new to riding the bus, please make sure to fill out a bus stop request using Bus Stop Request form found here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe3h1Jptw5t8Z5r4ul1x3UX-gUjcBspa2aZSMfHRhvUcuEPKg/viewform ➡️ If your student has used RSD transportation before, your stop still exists. Only fill out the form if you have moved addresses or your student is new to riding the bus. Have questions? Contact the RSD Transportation Department at 479-890-8561 for more information.
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
bus stop requests
It's officially 1 week away from the 1st day of school! Find all the information you need for back to school, including Meet the Teacher dates, Open House information, Bus stop request forms, etc. on the 2023 Back to School Information page! ➡️ https://bit.ly/RSDbacktoschool2023 Students, see you soon! #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
RSD back to school information
It was so great to see the tons of smiles at Meet the Principal! Thank you to everyone who came out! #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Meet the principal
Meet the principal
Meet the principal
Meet the principal
❤ The 2023-2024 RSD Back to School Launch was a great success! Thank you to Centennial Bank for sponsoring breakfast for all our staff! Here's to a great school year! 🎉 #OneRSD ❤️🌪️
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
Back to school launch
RSD is so excited to celebrate the 7 schools in our District that have achieved Level 1 High Reliability Schools certification! Center Valley Elementary Crawford Elementary London Elementary Sequoyah Elementary Russellville Intermediate School Russellville Middle School Russellville Junior High School Congratulations to all!
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
HRS schools
RSD is excited to announce the selection of Mary Beth Cox as the Director of Human Resources. Ms. Cox will be transitioning from her current role in RSD as the Executive Director of Secondary Leading and Learning. Congratulations Ms. Cox! Thank you for all you do! Read more here: https://www.rsdk12.net/article/1198524 #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Director of Human Resources
📣Thanks to ACT 656, all approved 2023-2024 Free and Reduced applications will receive FREE meals for the 2023-2024 School Year! 🏆Complete an application today for a chance to win a $100 gift card! ➡️ Apply online or download the application at https://bit.ly/RSDdiningservices Important note: All applications completed before July 1st, 2023 will expire in September 2023.
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
approved applications
🎉 Meet the Principal is tomorrow! Sequoyah Elementary School and Russellville Middle School families are invited to Popsicles with your new Principal! Please make plans to stop by and meet your new principal on tomorrow, August 10th, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. ➡️ Sequoyah: Meet Mrs. King ➡️ RMS: Meet Mr. Farr For this drive thru event, please remain in your vehicles and follow the regular car rider procedures. See you there! #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
meet the principal
Classified Staff Orientation 🌪️❤️ RSD welcomed several new classified staff at orientation this week! 🎉Welcome to RSD! ❤️We are so lucky to have you! #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
classified staff
Joy Skaggs made an impressive appearance at the Microsoft Word World competition on July 31st, 2023. Competing against 39 participants from different countries, Joy managed to secure the 7th position in the competition. Congratulations, Joy! #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
joy skaggs
joy Skaggs
Have you heard? RSD will be starting an Agriculture Education Program beginning the 2023-2024 school year. The program will launch with two agriculture introduction courses taught at Russellville Junior High School and Russellville High School. Advanced courses will be offered as the Agriculture program grows. Read more here: https://www.rsdk12.net/article/1191449
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
RSD to Begin Agriculture Program
RSD Kindergarten Camps All RSD elementary schools hosted Kindergarten camps this week to introduce incoming kindergartners to the school environment! Oh how exciting it is to be a Kindergartner at RSD! #OneRSD 
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Kinder camps
Great job to Ms. Sarah Monfee, RSD Academic Effectiveness Specialist, for speaking to the AAEA Aspiring Administrators yesterday about all things leadership! RSD is lucky to have you, Ms. Monfee! ❤ #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Monfee presenting
🎉 You're Invited! Sequoyah Elementary and RMS families are invited to Popsicles with your new Principal! Please make plans to stop by and meet your new principal on Thursday, August 10th, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. ➡️ Sequoyah: Meet Mrs. King ➡️ RMS: Meet Mr. Farr For this drive thru event, please remain in your vehicles and follow the regular car rider procedures. See you there! #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Meet the Principal
📣All Open Houses for RSD Schools will be on August 17th. Times are as follows: RSD Preschool & Elementarys (K-5): 4:30-6:00 p.m. Secondary (6-12): 5:30 -7:00 p.m. Have questions? Contact your child's school for more information. ➡️All Back to School Information, including the open house and orientation schedules, can be found at https://www.rsdk12.net/page/back-to-school #OneRSD
over 1 year ago, Russellville School District
Save the date back to school